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Casino Gambling- What is It and Is It A Bad Gamble for Branson?

By: Gary J. Groman

(This is a reprint of an article appearing in the Branson Daily News)

The term "Gambling" is defined in different ways. One is "playing games of chance for money or some other stake." Another is "to take a risk in order to gain an advantage." The first definition would appear to apply to the type of gambling that is meant when discussing gambling coming to Ozarks Mountain Country . The second is what should be used to evaluate whether or not "gambling" would be advantageous to Ozark Mountain Country.

The games of chance normally covered under the term gambling can fall into relatively few main areas such as Lotteries, Bingo, Casino Gambling, and Dog and Horse Track Racing. Lotteries and Bingo are already here. The State controls the Lottery and Bingo which is readily available at the American Legion and other places on a regular basis and with State sanction. Although there is the remote possibility that a Dog or Horse Track could be built in the Branson Area, by in large, when folks talk of gambling coming to Branson, they are referring to Casino Gambling.

Casino Gambling covers card games such as Poker, Black Jack, Caribbean Poker and others, dice games such as Craps, Slot Machines, Video Poker, Roulette, Keno etc. Of these games of chance the only one that a person has any remote mathematical probability of winning is Black Jack and even that depends on the rules of the casino and the ability of the player to count cards, stick to a disciplined strategy, and manage their money properly. These skills are not often demonstrated in actual play and, when displayed by an individual, often resulting in that person being banned from the casinos. Casino Gambling is set up with the specific basic strategy of separating its participants from their money as quickly as possible. In terms of entertainment it is about as entertaining as having your pockets picked.

Casino Gambling used to be a unique product that was legally available, in this country, only in Las Vegas. Today however, Casino Gambling is readily available in many places outside of Las Vegas and close to the markets that feed Branson, such as Iowa, St. Louis, Kansas City etc. The State of Kansas even has Casino type Keno as part of its State Lottery System. Like Missouri, more and more of our surrounding states are considering the enactment of laws which permit the expansion of Casino Gambling. Said another way, Casino Gambling is becoming common place and is no longer unique.

The Branson area currently has a product that is unique. It is the product of Family Entertainment. That's right folks, Family Entertainment with a capital F and E! It is a place where families can come and not worry about the type of entertainment their children and themselves will be exposed to or their safety. It is a unique entertainment environment and one that, in this writer's opinion, entitles Ozarks Mountain Country to proudly proclaim itself as the "Family Entertainment Capitol of the World."

Oh it might be copied by Pigeon Forge, Myrtle Beach and perhaps others but Branson was first and can remain first if it does two things. First it must remains focused on that which makes it both unique and first, Family Entertainment. Second but perhaps more importent than the first is our willingness to take a position against Casino Gambling in the area and be willing to fight for it. Jesus Christ said it best when he said, "If they are not against us then they are for us."

Even as Casino Gambling is discussed for Ozarks Mountain Country other areas are trying to emulate what we already have. It's ironic that over the last ten years or so, Las Vegas, the Casino Gambling Capitol of the World, has been trying to acquire that which we in Ozarks Mountain Country already have, respectability and appeal to the whole family. Anyone familiar with Las Vegas has watched the trend of appealing to families develop but when all is said and done, Las Vegas will still be the Gambling Capitol of the World that has some family entertainment available. Its uniqueness and primary purpose is still Casino Gambling with family entertainment as the carrot that draws folks in.

Another definition of gambling, and the one that applies when evaluating whether or not Casino Gambling has a place in Ozarks Mountain Country, is "to take a risk in order to gain an advantage." From a pure business point of view, why risk the uniqueness of what we have? What advantage will we gain? What will we have to offer those that come to us that they can not get somewhere else if not the "Family Entertainment Capitol of the World?" It is that uniqueness that separates us from the rest. Is it worth the gamble to have Casino Gambling in Ozarks Mountain Country? I'd bet it not worth the gamble. Is the title of Family Entertainment Capitol of the World worth fighting for? I think so. What do you think?

Permission is granted by Gary J. Groman, 230 River Point Road, Hollister, MO. 65672 to print and other wise communicate the information contained herein, either in whole or in part.


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